Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This is the second post of my bus tour.
After leaving Pocahontas, VA,
we arrive at Bramwell, WV.
Bramwell was once the richest town
in the US for its size.....
with as many as 14 millionaires.
The town was settled in 1885
by the largest holder of coal lands in the
Pocahontas Coalfield.
The town was named to the
National Register of Historic Places
in February 1983.
The current population is around 400.
Our tour guide was the mayor of Bramwell...
Louise "Lou" Dawson Stoker.

Our first stop was at the Bank of Bramwell.

The bank building is made of stone.

This is the bank vault door.

A glistening chandelier.

A beautiful floor.

Woodwork of walnut and mahogany...
all hand carved...... magnificent!

Those are only a few of the awesome carvings.

After the bank tour, it was lunch time.
We went to The Bramwell Cafe.

There was even a sign to welcome us.

Lunch was very tasty and filling.
To top off the lunch, we walked to the Corner
Shop and were served a homemade waffle cone
with one scoop of ice cream....just marvelous!

This shop stands where the former
Bryant and Newbold Pharmacy was....
the interior remains almost the same as it was in 1910.
It is reported that it was the third drugstore
in the US to carry Chanel No. 5.

Part three to follow.


Janet, said...

Enjoyed the tour, almost like I was there. That bank is really neat. We were down at Jeweler's Touch a few days ago. This jewelry store in Ripley used to be a bank a long time ago. It still has the huge door to the safe in the back of the store.I forget how much exactly, but he told us how much the door weighed and it was a lot!

Dee said...

You are such a wonderful tour guide. Looking forward to part three.

Twisted Fencepost said...

That bank is gorgeous!
I love the fact that they restore old buildings. There was so much detail put into places back then. It is a shame when they are demolished.

Granny Sue said...

Isn't Bramwell beautiful? We were there several years ago and at the mine and Pinnacle Rock too, and I would love to go back. There is a lot to see and think about down there.

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