A sure sign of fall....
The chestnut trees are full....
The ground is covered. I picked up two buckets full....just in front of my porch.
Those hulls are very prickley....
I use a pair of tongs to pick them up.
John uses leather gloves.
He picks them up on the hill.
They are mostly empty hulls....
The squirrls and deer eat the nuts.
I gathered a few that hadn't been eaten yet.
In past years, I used to gather the nuts....
There are always lots of nuts.
I would save them to take with us on vacation.
We would feed them to the deer in the parks.
I know it is against the law to do that,
but we did.
This year, we won't be doing it.
The squirrls eat them during the day....
and the deer come out at night....
even Huey eats them....
so, there aren't enough to gather.
Those hulls are something else. I remember Mom used to bring them out here. Love your bottom picture, we got a pumpkin at WalMart yesterday.
I LOVE chestnuts!
Wish I had some right now. It is another thing I miss about WV.
I love fall too! Hugs Grams
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