Oh my goodness!
Was I ever upset!
Nothing had ever happened like that before.
I didn't know how it happened.
I didn't know what to do.
I tried searching to no avail...
until I realized I could open in safe mode.
In safe mode, I could do some things....
but I could not solve the problem.
But then...ah ha!
I remembered that I have a nephew...
a very computer smart nephew!
His name is Davey....David Smart.
So...I packed up my laptop....
and headed for my sister's house.
Davey saved my computer.
It was infected with over 200 bugs!!
I was amazed.
I was relieved.
I am so thankful to be so blessed...
blessed with a nephew like Davey...
who so willingly came to my aid.
Thank you Davey!!
That's so sweet. Davy was happy to oblige. You're welcome, and hope your computer continues to be well and happy.
Hello Shirley,
How blessed to have someone to take care of your sick computer, every time mine starts acting up I hold my breath, and pray that it is something my son-in-love and a friend in Texas can undo by phone. lol.
I read your previous post and enjoyed it, that is one beautiful trout. I too enjoy fishing, and am so looking forward to warmer weather so I can fish .
I guess I got my love of fishing from my father. He was a deep sea fisherman, and if you lived nearby I would certainly enjoy fishing with you. I don't have to many friends who love to fish. lol My fishing partners have been our grandchildren, and
now they are growing up and live so far away.
Commenting on Shayna's drawing of Marilyn Monroe. I would have guessed who it was. The colors are so beautiful Is Shayna aware of what a great talent she has? I firmly believe talents and gifts are from God and will pray that doors will be open for her in using this gift.
I also read your post on taking the tub and making room for your exercise equipment.I love what you have done, and have tried to find a place in my house to put my treadmill,it is now upstairs in a bedroom out of sight.lol. I like to exercise outside, and it is hard for me to use anything inside. Having said that, I know you get a better workout on a treadmill.So I guess I am short changing myself.
I will join you in prayer on your journey to get healthy, I used to have a choice but now know that I don't. My Dr. recently told me if I didn't lose some weight, and get my bp down, that I wasn't going to live very long.
I applaud you and will be checking in and encouraging you to continue, and please pray for me, it would be so easy for me to find an excuse not to exercise, though I have been faithful lately and even walked in the rain.Yea!
I have also found that since I have gotten older, my metabolism has slowed down, and at times that's not fun. I want the weight to fall off quickly like it used too.lol
I better close this comment it is getting way to long, but that is what happens when you don't blog regularly.
Thank you so much for coming by and for always encouraging me, you are such a blessing and I treasure your friendship.
Yay! So glad you got it fixed!!!
I hope the bugs stay away for a very long time!
Yeah for safe mode!
I just learned that about two weeks ago as I was trying to get rid of a nasty trogan that had infected hubby's computer.
There are a few things besides virus software that you can use on your computer...Malawarebytes. It is really great and it will run and clean up those things that tend to get around even the best antivirus programs.
Hubby's computer is running better...but I think because of its age...it will soon need to be put to rest. :(
Soooooooooooo very grateful for sweet family that will fix your computer...... I would be SAD not to find you here......... I am back in the blog today and wanted to hurry over here to see you...... I have so missed you and talking to you and wanted to make sure you were happy and well........ I have had such a busy few weeks but I really needed to take a break..... My stress level was out of control and needed to shut down for a while..... BUT I am back and wanted to let you know you are loved by me.......
Hi Shirley,
I am checking in to see how you are doing. I haven't walked but two days this week, and hope you have done better than me.
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