Saturday, October 17, 2009


We got home from vacation yesterday. I had a very good time and will share a photo and tid bit with you each day.

The first interesting thing I want to share is a photo of a road sign that just blessed me. The sign is located on the same road as the resort where we stayed. If you can't read it, click on it to enlarge. When I saw this I just couldn't come home without a photo of it.

Canaan Valley in Tucker county of West Virginia is my favorite place to visit. I have even said that I would love to live there. I love the terrain, the wildlife, the beauty, the peacefulness....just everything about it.

I'll be back tomorrow with another photo and interesting tid bit.


Janet, said...

Welcome Back Sis! It looks like you've been to the Promised Land.

Sue said...

Hi Shirley,
Welcome back from your vacation, we just got back too. I hope you are not as tired as we are. lol. Shirley, I so love this sign, I can see why you would want a photo, and did I understand you to say that you were in Canaan Valley. Wow! how cool is that. Thanks for sharing.

Gloria said...

I've only been there once, about 16 years ago, for two nights. I stayed in a log cabin. It was beautiful. We cooked hotdogs and marshmallows in the fireplace. And, I remember the deer were right outside the door in the yard. I'd like to go again.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Welcome back, Shirley!
Looks like it's calling your name.

Vera said...

Hi Shirley, I also just got back yesterday, been camping at Beech Fork for 8 nights. I like the sign,glad you had a good time.

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